How we team
Blended Coaching and Consulting
Leaders and their teams are most successful when they continue to develop connected awareness with themselves and across the team. Whether you aim to develop your leadership prowess, team effectiveness or organizational culture, begin with the foundational skills that serve your greatest intention.
As an executive coach, team coach, facilitator and subject matter expert, I provide a range of personalized development offerings to fuel the interpersonal and intrapersonal capabilities to thrive in work and life.
People are entirely unique. No two human beings are the same. Which is why prescribed ‘cookie cutter’ solutions to development fall flat and fail to stick. This is not a game of scale. This is a highly individualized, experiential, co-created development solution specific for you and your team.
Team Effectiveness Coaching
Using a structured process, first determine which of 16 Team Elements will, if improved, make the greatest difference increasing your team’s effectiveness. Second, work together with the coach to progress to those areas.
Individual Coaching Executives
The executive works with Liv to determine what gap exists between current and ideal future states. Through a series of coaching conversations over six months, the executive works to close that gap, moving toward greater ease, self confidence, success and relationships.
Personalized Offerings Snapshot
Individual Executive Coaching
Team Effectiveness Coaching
Design and facilitation for on-sites/off-site team experiences
Speaking at meetings/events/conferences and Skill building workshops for teams (see topic list)
Consulting for specialized initiatives
Wealth Advisor Development