Executive Coaching for Effective Teaming
Highly Effective Individuals &
Teams Demonstrate…
Achieve positive results over time
Maintain energy and vibrancy needed for future success
Work through challenges and growing through adversity
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What is the Data Saying?
(81% of teams say they are not operating at anywhere full potential)
Over 90% Of employees believe teams are critical to success of their org but less than 25% consider their teams to be very effective
Team related problems contribute to almost 50% of failures to business start ups
Less than 25% of executives feel confident in their ability to build cross functional teams
86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures
71% of team members aren’t committed to elevating one another by offering feedback on professional capabilities and business practices and performance
Evaluating Team Performance
If these capabilities are strong...
There is clarity on what responsibilities each person owns and is responsible for
Decisions are clear, made in a timely manner, and stick
Commitments are followed through on consistently
Obstacles are identified early
People are speaking up and sharing ideas
Productive conflict is supported
Innovation is promoted
People feel rewarded and recognized
Politics are minimized
Increased positivity and optimism
People enjoy success and recover from setbacks quickly
If these capabilities are weak...
It’s hard to know what’s getting done
The same problems emerge
Often get caught in analysis paralysis
Poor performance is justified with excuses
No consequences for failing to deliver
People are masking their true selves
Back channeling is prevalent
Controversial topics are ignored
Lack of engagement
Teams are easily distracted
Sense of artificial harmony
People stagnate and fail to grow
A better way
Teams are one of the most basic, common and important work systems. And usually, teams are mostly just winging it. This lack of attending to the system of being a team can result in low sense of trust, commitment, confusion in decision making, tense relationships, poor goal attainment and other issues.
Typically, when we want to work on developing good teamwork, we first identify the team and then teach and coach those team members on team capabilities.
How can we build a vision, commit with care, achieve goals and trust together with others if we don’t yet have an awareness of how we relate these elements within ourselves?
We are stronger together, yes. And the ability to leverage the interconnected fabric of teamwork is buttressed only by how much awareness, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skill we have developed as an individual.